Saturday, November 29, 2008

2 weeks from today

i will be in the air, on my way to the east coast.  

on my way to see a newly engaged brother, and also on my way to see a brother that i haven't laid eyes on in..almost a year and a half.  

it is seeming more strange every day to think that i will be gone from new beginnings for almost three weeks.  away from my connolly fam and sweet beu.  elias and glory will be pre-pubescent by the time i return, and connolly fetus #3 will be practically full term.  yes, that's right, a lot can happen in three weeks.

my heart hurts a little when i think about leaving beulah for three whole weeks.  but i think i may have found a great place for her to stay (just in the last hour).  so, that is taking a big load off of my mind.  though, i will be handing over my firstborn child as penance.   i love that sweet thing.

in other news, jimmy and faythe have returned from whence they came, and are now back in their real home.  i love having them in town.  and later today, jimmy and i will face off in the new beginnings top chef competition.  pictures to come (hopefully).  

if you guys would continue praying for me as i try to make plans for the coming year, that would be really appreciated.  there are a lot of things buzzing around my head, and i want to make decisions that will cause growth and not a return to old ways.  

but, for now, i am looking forward to celebrating christmastime for the next couple of weeks, and then going home, and getting lots of hugs from people i haven't seen in a year, seeing and hearing how they've changed, and really realizing how different i am than i was a year ago.  

check back for top chef updates later today.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

gloomy and cool

on a day like today, where i still have on last night's pajamas [now with the addition of rainboots and a sweater coat], all i want to do is read.  in mere moments, i will head out, in said pajamas, to pick up some coffee, and return to read quietly until a girl's appointment rolls around, then i will return from whence i came and snuggle up, in my weirdo outfit, and do some more reading.

after seeing a few other friends make lists today, i will follow suit and make a list of the best movies to hibernate to (this time of year):

1.  true life confession:  i made a goal to watch 'it's a wonderful life' (at least in part) every day of december last year.  i don't think i quite accomplished it.  though, i will say the time it airs on nbc a few nights before christmas can't be beat.  something more exciting about it coming on tv.

2.  family stone.  i want to have five kids because of that movie. 

3.  finding a good season of tv, whether it's lost or top chef, and getting really into with the fam in between turkey and playing with new gadgets.

4.  a muppet's christmas carol.

5.  ____________________

i'll leave that last one open.  what is your favorite comfy holiday movie?  charlie brown?  white christmas? (oh, yes please).

Friday, November 14, 2008

as jess says,

"orphans and widows are where it's at".  

read this.

Monday, November 10, 2008

i. love. christmas.

just a little something to get you in the spirit.

rosie thomas--
christmas time is here

regina spektor--

otis redding--

number one thing i'm looking forward to for christmas this year:
making coffee for josh and myself, and sitting in comfy sweaters all day staring at my fam.  and doing lots of cooking and baking.  lots.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

lightening fast

just a quick one. had a night out with two of the the girls. the best part of which was seeing high school musical 3. hilariously awful and wonderful.

i'm telling you, it's sad when you're driving home from seeing high school musical and all you can think about is finishing a book about vampires. i'm not sure what is happening to me, but i think i like it.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

some more pictures

i decided to cut my bangs the other night.  so i chopped them off, and went back for more.  i just grabbed the scissors and went to work.  

and as a total fluke, it turned out okay.  

kind of hilarious, and i guarantee that i will cut my hair more confidently next time and totally bust it up.  

somewhere my mom is quietly weeping.  
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