on my way to see a newly engaged brother, and also on my way to see a brother that i haven't laid eyes on in..almost a year and a half.
it is seeming more strange every day to think that i will be gone from new beginnings for almost three weeks. away from my connolly fam and sweet beu. elias and glory will be pre-pubescent by the time i return, and connolly fetus #3 will be practically full term. yes, that's right, a lot can happen in three weeks.
my heart hurts a little when i think about leaving beulah for three whole weeks. but i think i may have found a great place for her to stay (just in the last hour). so, that is taking a big load off of my mind. though, i will be handing over my firstborn child as penance. i love that sweet thing.
in other news, jimmy and faythe have returned from whence they came, and are now back in their real home. i love having them in town. and later today, jimmy and i will face off in the new beginnings top chef competition. pictures to come (hopefully).
if you guys would continue praying for me as i try to make plans for the coming year, that would be really appreciated. there are a lot of things buzzing around my head, and i want to make decisions that will cause growth and not a return to old ways.
but, for now, i am looking forward to celebrating christmastime for the next couple of weeks, and then going home, and getting lots of hugs from people i haven't seen in a year, seeing and hearing how they've changed, and really realizing how different i am than i was a year ago.
check back for top chef updates later today.