Monday, October 25, 2010

out of touch

well, now that october is almost over, i thought i'd check in. i am right in the middle of moving right now, which makes me crazy. actually an insane person. i get heartburn just thinking about it.

but--it is the perfect october day today. lots of rain and leaves blowing everywhere. i received a text early this morning from my old nanny family asking me to fill in today. which is great because i need all those dollabillz during moving times. my nanny babies aren't babies anymore, but they are so fun. they're supposed to be napping, but jenna is bossing her animals around in her crib.

times are a little hard right now. it's been one of those months where it seems like i'm not capable of making one right decision. it has been a little sobering. everything that is going on right outside my door seems to be things i should have learned to overcome long ago. obviously, that's why they're still knocking on my door at all hours. isn't that the worst?

things have been pretty silent with the Lord these last few weeks as well. i think when i am in the thick of it, i turn everything off. i scurry around and try to fix things (unsuccessfully), and go to bed a little scared of what tomorrow might bring my way.

today is bringing new perspective, and i see the light at the end of this funk.

there is a lot more to say, but i am out of practice. and i already feel winded from this tiny blogging effort.

Saturday, October 02, 2010


anytime i spend too much time inside, i get restless.

all i can dream about is walking around my farm one day.
for now though, taking beulah down to the park after work is motivation enough to finish this week well.

one day.
one day i'll bake my pies on my farm.
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