jess and i headed up to seattle today. and in spite of the rain, soaked shoes, and potential bomb threat evacuations, we had a great time.
starting out here, for some northwest stocking stuffers
then on over to beecher's for some cheese.
up the hill to h&m
around the block to specialty's for a hot chocolate chip cookie (best you'll ever eat)
now, after a quick workout and finishing up my trip preparations with a target trip, i'm watching the biggest loser and slowly beginning to pack. i have several large piles decorating my floor, clothes to take, clothes to leave, darks, lights, colors, towels, gifts, shoes, anything you could imagine, put into piles and waiting for the right time to be thrown in a suitcase, weighed (cross your fingers for less than fifty pounds), and tossed in an airplane, and off to the east coast.