Saturday, February 20, 2010

consecration and cars

I have been attempting to write for some time, but just have not been able to wrap my brain around it. But, Saturday mornings always help sort things out for me. A little bacon and lingering time over coffee are capable of great things in my life.

This week has been long. Long, but purposeful. The funny thing is, I'm not totally sure of its purpose yet. That's why it's been tough to update you, because I'm smack in the middle of untangling the 27 different things that I feel like the Lord is teaching me about the events of this week alone.

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you all for prayer for reliable transportation, and I was so excited to share with you about how the Lord provided. A few days after I got my new car, it was broken into while I was at church.

When I walked out and saw it, I was just really sad. And this is where I'm still working all this out and asking God to teach me, because how do you remain thankful and responsible for the gifts He's given you, wihthout holding on to them too tight? I feel so thankful for his provision that I want to take care of it well. You know, be a good steward (and all those other Sunday school words).

But this week, I've found myself thinking selfish and materialistic things about my car being broken into. I wasn't sinned against. How could I have been? If I truly believed the Lord gave me this car, then this is not a crime against me.

The implications of that are huge, though. Like knowing that we ourselves are not our own, so when we are sinned against, being offended is pretty pointless. Because as my Creator, he is also my defender, and what He provides is his to defend. From cars to jobs, to a husband or my family.

So, I wouldn't call this week 'fun', but gosh, it has stretched and challenged me to keep my hands open in all areas of my life.

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