eek. saturday again. i just woke up from a nap, and it's dark in our apartment. i slept in my wedding shower clothes, and i'm not sure why. we got to celebrate raech today, which was really great. she has been such a great part of my life here in charlotte. have i told you that we met at remuda ranch? and there is such a sweetness to that aspect of our relationship. like, i sort of just want to go hug her right now, and also thank God for knowing how special it'd be to have a friend in my life that shared that experience.
i'm drinking a little coffee to wake me up for girl time tonight. also, caedmon's call is playing. what a throw back that is. sheesh. i remember looooving them so much in middle and high school. and for some reason any time i hear them now, i picture my freshmen english classroom. weird, huh? i've heard a lot of friends talking lately about how they'd do high school differently now. it's probably because we're quickly approaching our 10 year reunion. maybe.
let me be honest here for a second. i'm not over high school. i've been able to overcome a lot of insecurities in the 10 years since i walked high school halls, but i break into a sweat just thinking about P.E. class or the cafeteria (ack!!!). that's for real, guys.
maybe i need to go to my 10 year reunion just to face that fear? thoughts? (it's still 2 years away..)
march is almost here, and 2010 is just plugging along. so far so good, i think. how has y'alls year been so far? tell me things. i can't tell you to write or blog more, because i have been bad about it lately. well, for a while now. i think i'll treasure these little snippets in the future. not life changing, but a time capsule of my life now.
after thinking about my high school reunion and how much i don't want to go, i think i should make a to-do list of scary things. public speaking, high school reunions, karaoke, stand up comedy, you know horrific things like that. and then do them:)
happy almost spring!!!